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Wednesday 23 March 2016

Is Garcinia Cambogia Effective for Weight Loss?

Garcinia cambogia meaning

In the age of globalization, the market is full of varieties of diet supplements that claim to lose weight and easy fat burning. If you want quick weight loss supplement, go for Garcinia cambogia; it is the people saying. There are lots of excitement and publicity regarding this Malabar fruit because of its fat burning aspect, diabetic cure and lowering of cholesterol in the 90s. It is sold either in pill or powder form. The normal doses lie between 250 to 1, 000 mg per day. One should take the dose before 30 minutes of a meal. More and more studies had published, which showed that the diet supplement caused weight loss in animal. However, there are many studies, which doesn’t favour weight loss concept of this fruit. In the article, content has been narrated from the research point of views.
It is known by different names such as Garcinia gummi gutta, brindleberry, goraka, Malabar tamarind, kudam puli and pot tamarindGarcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia for fast weight loss?

It contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which seems to be effective for fat loss because of its working as an appetite suppressant. HCA prevents citrate lyase enzyme to convert carbohydrate into fat. This diet supplement discouraging longing of foods and simultaneously stimulate serotonin level, which further makes you lesser hungered. However, in real sense, the weight loss process is not so enthusiastic. Its popularity became pale after a study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998.

Garcinia cambogia for diabetes control

As per some studies, it has been shown that Garcinia cambogia helps to lower down sugar level in blood. But its efficacy has to be proved. It also lowers cholesterol. It has also been found that the fruit lowers the bad cholesterol and increases the level of good cholesterol. Considered as a weight loss pill or snacks, the level of blood pressure decreases itself.

Garcinia cambogia side effects

Generally, it shows mild side effects but if taken along with medication, it may show adverse reaction. Some of the mild side effects of this diet pill are:
• Feeling headache
• Nausea
• Dizziness
• Digestive tract discomfort
• Diarrhea
• In some studies, liver problems are also observed.
• One shouldn’t take Garcinia cambogia if taking medicine of diabetes.
• Patients of Alzheimer’s, dementia should also avoid this.
• Pregnant or breast feeding mother strictly skip this fruit.
• Avoid the use of it in case of allergy.

Where Garcinia cambogia is grown

It’s the fruit of tropical region of about 200 species. The Malabar tamarind is common in the South East Asian region. It is also found in West and Central Africa. The size of the fruit ranges from grape fruit to orange with colour variation such as reddish, yellowish and greenish. In some parts of India, it is used as culinary purposes along with tamarind.

Uses of garcinia cambogia

Various recipes can be prepared from the fruit rind and extracts of this fruit. These parts of the fruits are used as curry condiment in the South Asian region. It is one of the integral parts of sour curry. The coastal region of South India and Sri Lanka used this fruits and its components as fish curry. It’s a flavoring agent for curry, seafood, beverage and meat. More and more weightage has been given in Ayurvedic medicine of system regarding the significance of it.

Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Very few people know that pineapple is the second most favourite tropical fruit in the world. Fresh pineapple juice has adequate quantity of vitamins, enzymes and minerals which are good for overall development of health. It has many health benefits and can fight against stomach infections,constipation, indigestion, arthritis and sinusitis. As far as its benefits are concerned, the fully ripened fruit is the most beneficial one.Top 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Pineapple Juice Improves Digestion

The enzyme bromelain present in Pineapple is useful in digestion and ensure neutralization of acids. Bromelain breaks down protein into simpler form and promotes digestion. It regulates pancreas secretion to aid in digestion process. Besides natural digestion aids, bromelain encourages healing of wounds, reduce pain in arthritis. Bromelain also helps in treatment of indigestion and acts as anti-inflammatory agent.
Also Read: Pineapple Juice for Glowing Skin

Bromelain’s Benefits

Pineapple juice contains bromelain enzyme which is beneficial in preventing of cough and colds as well as has other therapeutic values. Fibrin which is known as clotting of blood gets broken down into simpler form by bromelain. Bromelain helps in improvement of breathing by thinning mucous in the respiratory region. [smartads]Taking bromelain properly helps to lessen pain in arthritis.  It is also beneficial in inflammatory conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and rosacea. It is also used as immunity booster. Bromelain enzyme has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancerous substance.

Pineapple Strengthens Bones

Pineapple is good in maintaining strong and healthy bones due to presence of manganese. A cup of pineapple juice contains about 73 percent of manganese for daily requirement of the body. Pineapple helps to grow bones at the younger stage while strengthening at the older stage.  The juice contains vitamin C and solves the problems related with gums. Instead of strengthening of bones, manganese is also useful in healing wounds, blood sugar regulation, increases immunity and keeps the skin healthy.

Pineapple Good for Eyesight

Pineapple contains beta-carotene and vitamin A that good for eyesight. Drinking of pineapple juice prevents macular degeneration and reduces the risk of vision loss at the old age, as suggested by many studies. The presence of anti-oxidants helps to solve the eye related problems and maintains good eye health.

Pineapple Combats Arthritis and Joint Pain

Drinking a glass of pineapple juice can greatly help to alleviate the signs and symptoms of arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory in nature. Pineapple juice reduces pain to old age people who are initially suffering from arthritis. Juice of pineapple also gives relief from muscle pain. Eating of this fruit strengthens bones. The presence of bromelain enzyme is considered to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Nutritional Value of Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is packed with vitamins and minerals. Pineapple contains vitamin C, B-Complex (folate, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin). On minerals front, it is having potassium, calcium, phosphorous and Manganese. It is also rich in natural soluble and insoluble fibre and low in calories. Fresh pineapple juice is having 75 percent of vitamin C of daily requirements. Vitamin C is good for healthy immune system, effective in cold and cell growth.  Vitamin B boosts metabolic activities of the body. B6 regulate blood sugar.  Vitamin A maintains healthy mucus membrane, eyesight and skin.  Potassium prevents muscle cramps and soreness.

Pineapple Reduces the Risk of Hypertension

Pineapple juice reduces hypertension due to adequate presence of potassium and lesser amount of sodium.  This proportion of potassium and sodium is the best way to combat high blood pressure.  A cup of pineapple juice contains about 1 milligram of sodium and 195 milligram of potassium.  So, it is suggested that persons suffering from hypertension may take pineapple juice regularly. Pineapple is considered as the fruit which has among the lowest amount of sodium in fruits.

Pineapple Keeps Teeth and Gum Healthy

Pineapple juice contains high amount of vitamin C which are beneficial for strong teeth.  Eating pineapple strengthens gums thus keep our teeth healthy and strong. It prevents plaque formation by restricting the activities of bacteria, reduces the risk of periodontal diseases and gingivitis.

Pineapple Good for Heart Health

Pineapple juice improves blood circulation, good for heart health and ensures smooth blood flow in the circulatory system.  Pineapple juice also contains bromelain that makes blood thinner which reduces the chances of heart attack, stroke and other heart diseases.  Antioxidants in vitamin C also lower the risks of heart diseases by combating free radicals.  Vitamin C also prevents atherosclerosis. It acts like as anti-coagulant.

Benefits of Pineapples

  • Drinking pineapple juice in the morning prevents sugar and fat cravings, thus good for obesity people to maintain weight or lose weight.
  • Pineapple boosts immune system because of the presence of vitamin C, A, and selenium.
  • Fresh pineapple foot mask smooth skin as it contains alpha-hydroxy acid.
  •  Due to rich in fibre, it helps to cure constipation and irregular bowel movement.
  •  Pineapple juice is good for skin and beauty. It helps to improve skin hydration and remove dead cells from skin.
  •  Drinking of fresh pineapple juice also helps in removing of intestinal worms.
  •  Its juice acts as natural diuretic and helps to release toxins from the body.
  • Pineapples are also beneficial in curing of sore throat and bronchitis.

Top 10 Natural and Herbal Skin Care Tips, Beauty Tips and Makeup Tips

  1. Massage  your face with ghee and coconut oil before  going to bed helps to revitalize your skin. This is one of the effective tips for healthy glowing skin.
  2. Applying of fresh Aloe Vera is beneficial to keep skin healthy and glow,  eliminates appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, pimple and blemishes.
    Top 10  Natural and Herbal Skin Care Tips, Beauty Tips and Makeup Tips          
  3. When the mixture of  Honey and  one tsp of rose water is applied on the dry skin, it helps to diminish facial wrinkles, and fight skin dryness.
  4. Apply the mixture of glycerine, rose water and lime juice on the skin before going to sleep gives proper facial glow. It has anti-wrinkles properties.
  5. Application of turmeric powder and sugar cane juice helps in controlling wrinkles and pigmentation. This is the good natural skin care tips.
  6. Apply the carrot grinding and some quantity of honey on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. if you continue it for sometimes, it will give you a different look. It is one of the secret of glowing skin.
  7. To get rid of scars, blemishes, one can used the mixture of dried pea powder, lemon juice, camphor and little milk.
  8. To enhance beauty and makeup, one can try the following things.  Keep the liquid part of egg in the freeze for 10 minutes. Now, add the mixture of lemon juice and grind tomato. Apply the paste for 20 days. This will give you the essence of fresh skin.
  9. Application of slice of avocado rejuvenated the skin and good natural remedy for anti ageing.
  10. Diet also play vital role in glowing of facial skin. Food rich in minerals, protein and vitamin is beneficial for dry skin and give more youthful look. Fresh fruits and vegetables tone up your skin and add brightness to appearance

Thursday 3 March 2016

What are Pimples? Causes and Treatment

What are Pimples?

Among the various kinds of acne, the ones produced as a result of blockage caused to the pores of skin's middle layer are known as Pimples. More prone to affecting the face, pimples may also appear on chest and back. Usually they appear as spots showing significant swelling.

Causes of Pimples - What Causes Pimples?

  • Increase in the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands leads to the overgrowth of pimples and acne.
  • It is generally caused in puberty with the heightened secretion of androgen and other sex hormones.
  • With oil trapping to block the pores of the skin's middle layer, pimples result.
  • Sebum produced by sebaceous glands contains bacteria which in turn contribute to causing inflammations in pimples.
  • Besides the above mentioned reasons, the factors of heredity, dirt, and consumption of oily and junk food also contribute to pimples.
  • Inadequate cleansing of cosmetics resulting to the formation of oily layer aids and aggravates the conditions of pimples.
  • Mechanical pressure exerted on face by means of helmet and straps also contribute to the growth of pimples.
  • Pimples may also result as side effects of certain medications.
  • Triple combination of hormone related activity, accumulation of dead cells of the skin and that of bacterial tissues lead to the outgrowth of pimples.

Types of Pimples

  • Pustules- It is a cutaneous condition whereby a tiny elevation is formed. The elevations which can be either white or red consist of inflammatory cells. Pustules contain fluid made up of necrotic particles.
  • Papules- They present a look of solid elevations containing no fluid. Manifesting a wide variety in size, they are painfully irritating.

Symptoms of Pimples

  • Pimples present themselves as raised elevations of different sizes and shapes.
  • They may or may not contain fluid.
  • They show swelling or inflammation making the underlying tissue red.
  • In spite of affecting the face, other areas including chest and back may be similarly affected.

Treatment for Pimples

  • Topical use of antibiotic in the form of benzol peroxide may control the growth of pimples.
  • Salicyclin acid and Triclosan may prove to be equally effective.
  • Application of the mentioned medications is usually preceded by washing of face with tolerably warm water and patting it dry.
  • Medication should be applied to the pimples and the surrounding areas should be spared.
  • Washing face with anti bacterial soap has also been found to be effective.

Self Care and Beauty Regimen to Reduce Pimples

  • With pimples mostly affecting the facial beauty, it is of utmost importance that one adopts a carefully planned beauty regimen so as to prevent their outgrowth.
  • First and foremost cleansing of face with water and oil free cleanser is of utmost importance. Cleansing helps the pores to breathe freely besides helping you remove the dead skin cells trapping the facial pores.
  • Wash your face at least thrice a day to keep your skin healthy and breathing.
  • In case you need to use foundation and other associated cosmetics; do remember to have it thoroughly removed.
  • Opt for an herbal moisturizer that does not have a base in oil.
  • Even after the pimples disappear, blemishes may stay on because they take long time to wither completely.
  • But poking or fingering the areas affected will only serve to aggravate the conditions.
  • You can use anti bacterial concealer to hide the affected areas. But make sure that they do not contain oily base.
  • Facial pack or musk based on mud helps substantially in the withering of pimples. So you can go for a mud based facial pack.
  • Washing of face with a small amount of turmeric paste or powder will prove to be counterproductive for pimples as turmeric is endowed with anti septic properties to fight bacteria causing pimples.
  • Bathing in water enriched with boiled neem leaves will also be equally effective.
  • Besides following a beauty regimen, make sure to drink plenty of water so that your system is thoroughly de toxified.
  • Include food enriched with Vitamin A, C and antioxidants to counter the effects of pimples.
  • Avoid junk food and carbonated drinks instead opt for sufficient helpings of cherries, tomatoes, oranges and apples.
It should be borne in mind that it is natural for teen agers to have pimples. Generally they tend to wither as one crosses the thresh hold of teen age; but with a bit of self care and dietary guidelines they can be avoided.

Home remedies & natural remedies for heart burn

Heartburn which is a manifestation of gastrointestinal disorder is marked by a burning feeling in the chest. Primarily felt in and around the chest, the sensation may extend to neck and jaw as well. The cause of heartburn may be traced to the regurgitation of gastric reflux. Also caused as a result of infection caused by Helicobacter Pylori; over eating and consumption of food rich in fat or acid content may also give way to heartburn.Image result for heartburn

Marked by a regurgitation or reversal in the normal procedure of digestion, with stomach acid enhancing the process of reversal, heartburn is mainly treated with antacids. But excess of antacids may also prove to be disastrous so certain naturopathic means may well turn out to be effective.

Heart Burn Natural Treatment - Home Remedies for Heart Burn

Given below are natural treatments for Heart Burn. These simple heart burn home remedies that work and most of these tips are very effective and are heart burn remedies that work.
  • People susceptible to heartburn should avoid lying down immediately after meal. At least an hour’s gap should be ensured between the two. Rather than going for two or three heavy meals; one can take five to six light meals a day.
  • After eating one should stay upright. Food should be taken in moderate amounts so that the functions of stomach acid may be balanced and not cause regurgitation.
  • Food should be well chewed so that enzymes secreted may facilitate digestion.
  • Certain beverages such as carbonated drinks, caffeine and alcohol triggering acid reflux should be avoided. Similarly analgesics with their ‘ibuprofen’ content trigger the same reflux. So pain killing tablets should be avoided.
  • Steps should be taken to restrict the contents of stomach. Just as overeating should be avoided, drinking water along with meals should be similarly avoided. Because by that way the fluid content of stomach is enhanced. Ideally water should be drunk after ten to fifteen minutes of meal. But sufficient amount of water should be taken to neutralize the acid that contributes to gastro-esophageal reflux.
  • Though one is advised against taking citrus fruits in cases of heartburn for adding to the acid formation, natural juices of fruits such as pear, mango, papaya and guava are indeed beneficial for cases of heartburn. The juice extracted from the mentioned fruits serve to cool stomach which in turn relieves heart burn.
  • Yogurt based buttermilk also serves to relief the system from the menacing acids which contribute to heart burn.
  • While warm milk with its lactose content may add to acid formation; cold milk free from lactose can be a major relieving agent.
  • Instead of going for refined rice or flour; brown rice bland in taste should be opted for. With its blandness and content of complex carbohydrate, it is less likely to cause relaxation in the sphincter muscles.
  • Raw as well as stewed apples are good as natural remedial option. Even chilled honey or jelly made out of apples and sweet pumpkins is effective for relieving the burning effects of heartburn. Taking apple after dinner may prove to be relieving for patients down with chronic heartburns.
  • A broth made from ginger or sage with simmering of one and a half tea spoon of the herbs in a cup full of water will serve to relieve you from heartburns caused by acid indigestion.
  • A decoction made out of equal measures of apple vinegar and honey in a cup full of warm water is equally effective in cases of heartburn.
  • To opt for an immediate relief easy chewing of a few blanched almonds will come in handy.
  • While black tea should be avoided by patients down with heart burn, a good alternative can be found in herbal tea. Peppermint tea and Chamomile tea may be recommended as herbal options.
  • Juice of Aloe vera also comes as a good option in healing the acid reversal of the digestive tract.
  • The similar is true for juice made out of raw potato. You may even have it as add on to some other juice.
  • You can also prepare your own antacid with the desired mixing of one forth tea spoon of baking soda with one table spoon of vinegar and four ounces of water. Despite tasting bad, the effects will be relieving.

  • You may even go for mixing one tea spoon of food soda with four table spoons of chilled water for immediate relief.
  • Unprocessed honey and apple vinegar are said to be equally relieving for instantaneous easing of irritations caused by acid reflux. A tea spoon of acid vinegar on experiencing the symptoms of heartburn or intake of the same amount half an hour before meals are said to be beneficially relieving. Acid reflux triggering regurgitation may also be caused by little acidic content of stomach. Cider vinegar obviously is helpful in those cases. Honey with its inherent healing property serves to revive the affected tissues.
A cardiac condition known as ‘ischemic heart’ may also give rise to heart burn. Medical Care should be taken to rule out possibilities of cardiac abnormality making way for heart burns.

Home remedies & natural treatment for Asthma

A word derived from Greek etymology which literally means 'panting' or 'gasping' for breath; is attributed to a disease related to the respiratory tract. Triggered by way of an allergic reaction of the body to one or many stimulants or 'allergens'; a patient in its attacking spell suffers from breathlessness. Marked by a prolonged difficulty in breathing out, asthma is marked by involuntary spasm of small muscular air passages of lungs. Occurring primarily due to an allergic reaction a number of triggers or irritants including those from weather, food, medication and use or exposure to certain chemicals may mark the onset of asthmatic attack.
Image result for asthma For effective control and remedy of asthma; one needs to ascertain the allergen or irritant which triggers such an attack. Thus controlling the conditions which account for asthma will indirectly lead to fewer attacks of asthma.

Home Remedy For Asthma - Effective Natural Asthma Treatment

  • For people susceptible to asthma on account of pollen, dust and pets need to ensure their protection against the causal factors. It is imperative that they go for air conditioning of their rooms and cars to prevent exposure to the sources of irritation.
  • It is imperative that they stay away from carpets, draperies and toys which accumulate dust. The ones allergic to animal furs need to ensure that pets are not allowed in vicinity of living rooms.
  • Besides avoiding the likely allergens, certain dietary means have been found beneficial for those prone to asthmatic attacks. For instance powdered turmeric added to milk keeps such attacks away; if consumed daily on empty stomach.
  • Five to six cloves boiled in half a glass of water with a spoon full of honey serve as an excellent decoction against asthma; if taken twice a day.
  • Crushed cloves of garlic may be boiled in six tea spoons of milk for regular consumption of the same by an asthma prone person.
  • Regular exposure to fresh air and sun light free from pollutants contributed by factories and means of transport is also important in order to counter the attacks of asthma.
  • One of the naturally effective home remedies include a decoction including tea spoon full measures of raw honey, ginger powder and ground black pepper.
  • Dried grapes soaked in water and then in cold milk may be had on an empty stomach in order to counter asthmatic attacks. Consumption of grapes serves to strengthen lungs and flush the toxic contents of human body.
  • Dried figs also serve to flush out the phlegm content of the respiratory tract.
  • Equal measures of honey and olive oil may be added to warm milk. The consumption of the resulting milk along with a few cloves of garlic before breakfast acts as an antidote to asthmatic attacks.
  • Half a glass measure of boiled fenugreek juice along with tea spoons measure of ginger juice is also an excellent natural remedy. It serves to decongest and detoxify the lungs.
  • Regular consumption of fennel seeds also has a similar purpose to serve.
  • Herbal tea with ground ginger and a dash of lime juice is also effective. Patients susceptible to asthmatic attacks may choose the same over milk tea to be consumed twice a day. Herbal tea based on licorice root is extremely beneficial.
  • Turmeric and honey taken separately early in the morning keeps you away from the painful bouts of asthmatic attacks.
  • Crushed gooseberry in a table spoon of honey also serves as a natural remedial medicine.
  • Soup made out of radish, honey and lemon juice may be made by blending the mentioned ingredients. Regular consumption of at least ten grams the same mixture is beneficial for asthma patients. Both the medicinally enriched natural ingredients will serve to excrete mucus and detoxify the respiratory tract.
  • Broth made out of leaves of drumstick is equally helpful for patients afflicted with asthma.
  • Juice of bitter gourd added to honey and paste of basil also ranks amongst the numerous natural options. Spoon full of the same serves to defend yourself from asthmatic attacks.
  • Dried pomegranates and raisins boiled in milk also serve to be an effective remedial measure.
  • Dried and powdered seeds of safflower acts as a natural expectorant if consumed with a spoon full measure of honey.
  • In case one finds himself in the grip of an attack warm mustard oil with a bit of crushed camphor should be massaged on the victim's back and chest to make way for ease in breathing.
  • Inhaling of steam from water boiled in 'ajwain' seeds will also prove to be relieving.
  • Inhaling steam from water enriched with herbal oil of 'juniper' may be another relieving option.
  • Inhaling the smell of honey is also said to be similarly beneficial.
Apart from adopting a dietary regimen insisting on fruits, vegetable and honey; patients susceptible to breathing spasms on account of asthma should be cautious about his weight. Special medical advice and care should be taken as to the use of humidifiers and inhalers if the bouts of attack are frequent.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

7 Cancer-Fighting Culinary Spices and Herbs


Ginger has long been used in folk medicine to treat everything from colds to constipation. Ginger can be used fresh, in powdered form (ginger spice), or candied. Although the flavor between fresh and ground ginger is significantly different, they can be substituted for one another in many recipes. In general, you can replace 1/8 teaspoon of ground ginger with 1 tablespoon of fresh grated ginger, and vice versa.
Consuming ginger and ginger products, in addition to taking any anti-nausea medications as prescribed, may provide some comfort for a queasy stomach during cancer treatment.


Rosemary is a hearty, woody Mediterranean herb that has needlelike leaves and is a good source of antioxidants. Because of its origin, rosemary is commonly used in Mediterranean cooking and you’ll often see it included as a primary ingredient in Italian seasonings. You can use it to add flavor to soups, tomato-based sauces, bread, and high-protein foods like poultry, beef, and lamb.
Rosemary may help with detoxification; taste changes; indigestion, flatulence, and other digestive problems; and loss of appetite. Try drinking up to 3 cups of rosemary leaf tea daily for help with these problems.


Turmeric is an herb in the ginger family; it's one of the ingredients that make many curries yellow and gives it its distinctive flavor. Curcumin appears to be the active compound in turmeric. This compound has demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, potentially protecting against cancer development.
Turmeric extract supplements are currently being studied to see if they have a role in preventing and treating some cancers, including colon, prostate, breast, and skin cancers. Although results appear promising, they have largely been observed in laboratory and animal studies, so it’s unclear whether these results will ultimately translate to humans.

Chile peppers

Chile peppers contain capsaicin, a compound that can relieve pain. When capsaicin is applied topically to the skin, it causes the release of a chemical called substance P. Upon continued use, the amount of substance P eventually produced in that area decreases, reducing pain in the area.
But this doesn’t mean you should go rubbing chile peppers where you have pain. Chile peppers need to be handled very carefully, because they can cause burns if they come in contact with the skin.
Therefore, if you have pain and want to harness the power of chile peppers, ask your oncologist or physician about prescribing a capsaicin cream. It has shown pretty good results with regard to treating neuropathic pain (sharp, shocking pain that follows the path of a nerve) after surgery for cancer.
Another benefit of chile peppers is that they may help with indigestion. Seems counterintuitive, right? But some studies have shown that ingesting small amounts of cayenne may reduce indigestion.


Garlic belongs to the Allium class of bulb-shaped plants, which also includes chives, leeks, onions, shallots, and scallions. Garlic has a high sulfur content and is also a good source of arginine, oligosaccharides, flavonoids, and selenium, all of which may be beneficial to health. Garlic’s active compound, called allicin, gives it its characteristic odor and is produced when garlic bulbs are chopped, crushed, or otherwise damaged.
Several studies suggest that increased garlic intake reduces the risk of cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast. It appears that garlic may protect against cancer through numerous mechanisms, including by inhibiting bacterial infections and the formation of cancer-causing substances, promoting DNA repair, and inducing cell death. Garlic supports detoxification and may also support the immune system and help reduce blood pressure.


Peppermint is a natural hybrid cross between water mint and spearmint. It has been used for thousands of years as a digestive aid to relieve gas, indigestion, cramps, and diarrhea. It may also help with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and food poisoning. Peppermint appears to calm the muscles of the stomach and improve the flow of bile, enabling food to pass through the stomach more quickly.
If your cancer or treatment is causing an upset stomach, try drinking a cup of peppermint tea. Many commercial varieties are on the market, or you can make your own by boiling dried peppermint leaves in water or adding fresh leaves to boiled water and letting them steep for a few minutes until the tea reaches the desired strength.
Peppermint can also soothe a sore throat. For this reason, it is also sometimes used to relieve the painful mouth sores that can occur from chemotherapy and radiation, or is a key ingredient in treatments for this condition.


Chamomile is thought to have medicinal benefits and has been used throughout history to treat a variety of conditions. Chamomile may help with sleep issues; if sleep is a problem for you, try drinking a strong chamomile tea shortly before bedtime.
Chamomile mouthwash has also been studied for preventing and treating mouth sores from chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Although the results are mixed, there is no harm in giving it a try, provided your oncologist is not opposed. If given the green light, simply make the tea, let it cool, and rinse and gargle as often as desired.
Chamomile tea may be another way to manage digestive problems, including stomach cramps. Chamomile appears to help relax muscle contractions, particularly the smooth muscles of the intestines.

Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat

Fruits and vegetables

All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make sure to include adequate amounts of these foods daily. Some types of fresh produce, however, are even more potent than others.
Some terrific anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables to include in your meal plan include apples, berries, broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple, and spinach.

Green tea

This mild beverage is great for helping shrink your waistline as well as for decreasing inflammation. The flavonoids in this tea have natural anti-inflammatory properties. And the compound EGCG in green tea has been shown to help reduce body fat.

Monounsaturated fats

These heart-healthy fats help raise your healthy HDL cholesterol levels and reduce overall inflammation. Great sources include olive oil, almonds, and avocado.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Research has shown that a diet with a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids and a low percentage of omega-6 fatty acids has been linked with decreased inflammation. Food sources of omega-3s include walnuts, flaxseed, and fish, such as wild Alaskan salmon.


Certain spices, including garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and chili peppers, have potent inflammation-reducing capabilities, so try adding them to meals as often as possible.


Staying hydrated is essential to flushing inflammation-causing toxins out of your body. Aim for 64 ounces of water per day. Remember: Add an additional 8 ounces of water for every 30 minutes of exercise as well.

Whole grains

Rich in fiber, whole grains help control the insulin response in your body. The high B vitamin content of whole grains also helps reduce the inflammatory hormone homocystine in the body.