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Thursday 4 October 2018

Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Peels- Faida kuu za maganda ya limao

Not many of us know about the health benefits and nutrition value of lemon peels. So, before throwing the lemon peel away after squeezing the lemon juice or using it in any salad etc., think twice because even lemon peels are very beneficial.
Benefits of Lemon Peels
Let’s look at a few well known benefits of Lemon peel:

1. Improves Bone Health

Lemon peels help in improving bone health. It contains a high amount of calcium and vitamin C, which help in maintaining and improving the health of bones. Lemon peel also helps in preventing bone related diseases likes osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory polyarthritis.

2. Treats Oxidative Stress

They helps in reducing oxidative stress. Lemon peels have high amounts of citrus bio-flavonoids, which are a very powerful source for the reduction of Oxidative stress from your body.

3. Eradicates Toxins:

There are toxic elements present in our body which not only make us weak from within but also increase the addiction to hard drinks and other harmful eatables. Lemon peels, because of its citrus bioflavonoids content, help in eradicating these toxic elements present in our body.

4. Fights Cancer:

Hardly people know, but Lemon peels are also used in the prevention and treatment of cancer. It contains salvestrol Q40 and limonene, which help in fighting the cancerous cells present in the body.

5. Reduces Cholesterol:

These are also helpful in decreasing the cholesterol levels in the body which results in maintaining good health of our hearts. This is due to the presence of polyphenol flavonoids in lemon peels.

6. Prevents Heart Related Conditions:

The presence of potassium in lemon peels help in maintaining the right blood pressure in our body. And in addition to this, lemon peels also help in prevention of heart diseases, heart attacks and diabetes.

7. Maintains Oral Health & Hygiene:

Lemon peels are also great for oral health and hygiene. Vitamin C deficiency results in teeth related problems like bleeding gums, scurvy and gingivitis. Lemon peels are rich in citric acid which helps in covering up for the deficiency of vitamin C and helps in fighting these known teeth and gum related problems.

8. Promotes Weight Loss:

Lemon peels helps in promotion of weight loss. They contain a component known as Pectin, which is responsible for the promotion of weight loss in the body.

9. Fight Skin Related Conditions:

Lemon peels help in preventing and fighting skin problems such as wrinkles, acne, pigmentation and dark spots. The free radicals play a very important role in this process. These are also rich in antioxidants which tend to detoxify the skin to a very great extent.

10. Other Health Benefits:

There are also other health benefits of lemon peels like – cleansing the liver, strengthening capillaries, curing ear infections, improving blood circulation, reducing muscle contractions, prevention of strokes, etc.

Best Way to Eat Lemon Peels:

Let me now suggest the best way to eat lemon peels. You just need to keep lemons in the freezer till they freeze. Then Grate them. Now you can add these crumbs to your salad, tea or you can also you can eat it directly by coating with some sugar. This is the best way to get both the taste and health benefits from lemon peels.

Nutritional Value of Lemon Peels:

Nutritional Value of Lemon Peels

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference,
  • Every 100 g portion of lemon peel contains 134 mg of calcium.
  • Each 100 g of peel has 160mg of Potassium minerals.
  • It contains 129 mg of Vitamin C per each 100 g portion
  • For every 100gm of Portion, it has 10.6 g of Fiber.
So, now that you know the lemon peel uses, .

Thursday 17 May 2018


What Killed This Man, Many Of Us Drink Every Day

Dean Wharmby was a professional bodybuilder that lived an unhealthy life according to many. He would need to constantly consume at least 10,000 calories per day to keep his muscle mass; this included numerous meals of fast food and energy drinks. Before he passed away, Wharmby blamed his liver cancer on this deadly combination of food and drink, according to the Daily Mail.

LOVE AND DATING ZONE Energy drinks are one of the most popular beverages sold all over the world. They give us an immediate boost when we need it and can often keep us focused as well. For Dean, he would consume two energy drinks every hour while he was working out. A WHO study reported that there are a number of short and long-term side effects that come with drinking beverages with a high caffeine content. These side effects include caffeine overdose, type 2 diabetes and poor dental health, according to the National Health Service of the UK.

LOVE AND DATING ZONE Unfortunately, we are not told about the hidden, unhealthy secrets that come with consuming an energy drink. The good news is that consumers are becoming savvier.

The energy drinks that Dean would consume seemed to work at the beginning, he was extremely focused and awake which was needed with the way he trained in the gym. Unfortunately, things turned out bad for Dean, he was diagnosed with cancer, but this enabled him to get rid of his bad habits.

LOVE AND DATING ZONE Once the tumor began to shrink and disappear, Dean picked up his bad habits again, which included consuming many energy drinks a day. You think he would learn, but he didn’t, and because of this doctors diagnosed him with liver cancer for a second time. According to the Daily Mail, the doctors told Dean that his bad habits, including the energy drinks, are what destroyed his liver and created cancer cells.
Unfortunately, Dean was unable to treat or beat the cancer this time and he passed away. He left behind his wife and daughter. Remember, excessive energy drink consumption paired with a poor diet might have played a part in the death of this man, and it could happen to us.

The story of Dean is a tragic one, but it does open the doors to discussion and information about energy drinks that we may not know about. Take the ingredient Niacin, for example. Many energy drinks contain it and, according to a study published by the British Journal of Medicine in 2016, it can cause severe damage to the liver. In some cases, it has even caused the liver to fail. An average energy drink could contain up to 40mg of Niacin.

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